Carol's "Menonight" Story - recovery tips when struggling to sleep

Carol Brown runs the Menopause Support Group at West Midlands Police, offering advice, help and support to anyone with a menopause-related issue and shares with us her useful sleep-struggling solution.

“We all seem to be having problems sleeping at the moment – maybe not being able to relax, or maybe waking up in the early hours and can’t get back off, tossing and turning, leaving you tired and thoroughly miserable…

This is what I have found works for me when I wake up and can’t get back off again…….

GET UP, don’t lie there and wallow, brain working overtime, maybe picking up your phone -  a definite NO NO. I treat this as my quiet time, a little pressie to myself.
I’ll have a look out the window just to make sure all’s well with the world – I might see a bat or an owl fly over, or a vixen and her cubs out for a stroll, a hedgehog or badger,  something magical that is only yours for that moment in time. I’ve even opened the window to take in the night air. It is really quite special, you know. I am determined not to fret – I’m up, but I would have been lying there fretting any way!

Then I go downstairs, leaving my phone to languish upstairs – don’t need Twitter, FB – no one knows I’m awake, and no-one needs to know, and Blue Light is a killer for sleep!

I put on very little light, I don’t put on main lights, lamps mainly, I’ve even put on fairy lights, but making sure I don’t trip on my PJ bottoms or the dangling dressing gown cord. Then go make a wonderful, milky hot chocolate – (or non-diary) - I like to be indulgent, you can sprinkle some chocolate flakes on it if that’s a treat for you, or a camomile tea, or even jasmine.

This is my special time a treat to myself. I then go and cuddle up on the sofa with lots of pillows and blankets very rarely back to bed for the time being,  but I think we need to change the scenery…….and start to read a really fab book, not a thriller, but a book that I really like, one that I call ‘a friend’ something to treasure. No telly – Blue Light again!

My favourite go to books are:

Chocolat by Joanne Harris
Far Pavilions by MM Kaye
Tuesdays with Mori by Mitch Albom
A Prayer for Owen Meaney by John Irving
Britt Marie was Here – Fredrik Backman,
Four Streets Trilogy by Nadine Dorries

Then when I’m feeling sleepy, I turn everything out as I go back to bed – and then sleep like a baby.

If you’re doing this, I wouldn’t tell your partners / kids about it though – as they might feel inclined to join you, and then it isn’t really your treat…”

Sarah Davies