Devon and Cornwall Police continue their Menopause Journey

The Talking Menopause team once again headed down to RAF St Magwan in Newquay recently, to help the Devon and Cornwall Police continue on their menopause journey.

The team at Talking Menopause have already delivered a number of conferences for the Devon and Cornwall Police making this latest session part of an ongoing menopause programme. The session itself was a full-day workshop aimed at managers, designed to give them the knowledge and tools needed to explore practical and effective solutions to help support and manage menopause at work, whether that be for themselves or their colleagues.

An introduction to the session was given by ACC Sharon Taylor, who is a fantastic role model and supporter of the menopause programme within the Devon and Cornwall Police. 

There is already an active Menopause SPOC (Single Point of Contact) programme running within the Devon and Cornwall Police and we’re delighted to say that several additional attendees volunteered on the day - meaning that more colleagues will be able get support when needed.

Detective Superintendent Sharon McDonald spoke highly of the Talking Menopause workshop, saying:

“Lynda and Sarah from Talking Menopause delivered a really interesting and engaging event for our supervisors and staff. Everyone that attended learned something new and the feedback from the day was excellent.”

Talking Menopause was founded in 2017 and is now a leading provider of workshops, webinars and individually tailored programmes helping organisations transform their culture and create menopause-friendly workplaces.

Menopausal women are demographically the fastest growing group of workers in the UK, but despite it being a natural life process, the menopause – and how symptoms can affect employees and organisations as a whole – is rarely discussed.

For help to get your organising Talking Menopause, email or call us direct on 0844 9950090.

Claire White