Women into Leadership – Bringing Menopause in the Workplace into the Arena

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Talking Menopause have had the honour of working with Women into Leadership, running breakout sessions on Menopause in the Workplace throughout their 2019/2020 conferences.

About the Event

Now in their tenth year, the annual Women into Leadership conferences have established themselves as the key events for all those interested in seeing leadership opportunities for women enhanced. Women into Leadership 2020 will examine how female leaders, at any grade, can enhance their skills to become the leader they aspire to be.

Keen to bring discussion on Menopause in the Workplace into the arena, WiL brought Talking Menopause on board to hold sessions during the conferences, with the most recent taking place in Cardiff.

Menopause in the Workplace

Attendees were eager to get a front seat and appreciated the openness with which the presentation was led, with one saying:

It was refreshing to see menopause in the workplace discussed so openly at the Women into Leadership event; Sarah's session has definitely given me the confidence to try and raise more awareness both within my organisation and the recruitment process.

Recruitment Attraction & Communication Manager, Department for Transport.

Menopause Awareness

The conferences, run by Dods Diversity, offer hands-on advice and coaching on how to further develop careers in times of change.

Of course, menopausal awareness will be high on the agenda for a lot of women in leadership roles. As the subject becomes less taboo through open conversation and training, women will be better equipped to support their employees and co-workers as well as grow the confidence themselves to speak up in the workplace.

Olivia Bishop of Dods Diversity & Inclusion, WiL Conference Organiser and Event Production Manager was impressed with the Menopause in the Workplace session, saying:

Sarah’s presentations are informative and engaging, providing much needed insight and education around a little-discussed topic.

Events such as these highlight just how many workplaces would benefit from expert awareness training. It’s always great to hear how Talking Menopause bring openness and fresh insight into the discussion, however, often the discussion has yet to begin.

If you’re interested in learning more about Menopause in the Workplace and how Talking Menopause can help your organisation, please head over to our Training Services page.

Register here for upcoming Women into Leadership events

Follow Women into Leadership on Twitter @WiLeadership_UK

Talking Menopause was founded in 2017 and is now a leading provider of workshops, webinars and individually tailored programmes helping organisations transform their culture and create menopause-friendly workplaces.

Menopausal women are demographically the fastest growing group of workers in the UK, but despite it being a natural life process, the menopause – and how symptoms can affect employees and organisations as a whole – is rarely discussed.

For help to get your organising Talking Menopause, email hello@talkingmenopause.co.uk or call us direct on 0844 9950090.

Claire White